Latest Research on Hearing-Dementia Link
Hearing loss formerly thought “minor” can cause cognitive problems
Studies now show significant changes in the brains of those with early stage hearing loss in comparison with those whose hearing is normal. Specifically, even with minimal auditory deprivation, the brain actually re-organizes itself, which results in poorer speech processing in noise and deterioration of cognitive functioning.
This is a problem. The good news: the decline is reversible.
Following clinical treatment with high-quality, expertly fitted hearing aids, the brain re-organized itself back to the original state.
Just six months after wearing hearing aids, both visual and working memory improved. In addition, processing speed as well as executive cognitive skill* performance were increased
Even better news: You can change the number one risk factor for dementia.
The association between genetics and Alzheimer’s is 60%. That means you have control of 40%.
According to distinguished medical journal The Lancet, “among all of the modifiable risk factors, hearing loss is the most significant modifiable factor leading to dementia.”
Your hearing ability accounts for 37% of all the factors you can change to reduce your risk of dementia.
Call your local office to discuss further or click here to make an appointment.
Chicago (Downtown): (312) 260-5037
Highland Park: (847) 607-6150
Naperville: (847) 607-6150
Oak Brook: (630) 426-6245
Park Ridge: (630) 426-6245
*Executive cognitive functions are the prerequisite to any purposeful and goal-directed action. They allow one to generate plans, solutions to problems, or organizing structures that guide future action. They rely on working memory, mental flexibility, and retrieval of relevant information from memory stores.