Ryan Saxon
Hearing Aid Dispenser, H. I. D.

Deirbhle Higgins
Hearing Aid Dispenser
Brandon Molina
Hearing Aid Dispenser
Hablo Español y Inglés
Ariana Loizzo
AuD Assistant/Tech
Mackenzie Hudson
AuD Assistant/Tech
Laura Kozlowski
AuD Assistant/Tech
Isabel Baltazar
AuD Assistant/Tech
Hablo Español y Inglés
Nisarria Castellanos
AuD Assistant/Tech
Why We’re Unique
Dr. Ronna Fisher, AuD. FAAA, as a tribute to her father, founded Hearing Health Center (HHC), in 1984. He started losing his hearing in his 30’s because of rheumatic fever in childhood. Multiple doctor visits resulted in the same diagnosis and recommendations. “Hearing aids won’t help and learn to live with it.” Dr. Fisher’s father died from heart complications while she was in graduate school earning her Master’s degree in Audiology.
Hearing Health Center is known as the premier technological and innovative leader in hearing health…not only in Chicago, but also throughout the country. They were the first to fit the tiny, in-the-canal hearing aid worldwide. They introduced the first digital hearing aids and the Lyric, invisible, 24/7 extended wear hearing aids, in Chicago.
Hearing Health Center is the largest, independent audiology practices in the Chicago area. They are one of the only practices that offer all manufacturers and models of hearing aids, insuring that every patient receives the right solution for their needs.