Hearing treatment is more than just putting a piece of plastic on or in your ears. That's why we truly get to know your needs and offer a variety of services to improve your hearing heath. Check out our most popular services and book your appointment today!
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Directly book an appointment here, or fill out the form to ask a question or talk to someone at Hearing Health Center.
Five Convenient Chicagoland Hearing Treatment Locations
Our friendly staff is waiting to schedule your hearing consultation today, find your closest location below.
Having Trouble Making Up Your Mind About Hearing Care?
Read ‘The Proven Process’
By Dr. Ronna Fisher
Download this informative, entertaining little booklet to help you decide. Learn about the proven process for patient satisfaction that has made Hearing Health Center the most trusted audiologists in the Midwest for over 35 years.
Voted Best Practice in Chicago and Suburbs 3 Years in a Row
Satisfaction Guaranteed
State of Illinois Outstanding Audiology Services Award