Proven effective treatments for ringing in your ears, along with invisible correction of hearing loss, if needed.
Lyric, the world’s only completely invisible hearing aids, relieve tinnitus while they deliver clear, natural sound.
Introducing the Neosensory Tinnitus Wristband. This is breakthrough neuroscience technology!
Using just 10 minutes a day has produced long-lasting results for over 80% of patients within 60 days. The Neosensory Wristband has proven effective for those who use hearing aids and those who do not. Developed in the laboratory of a world famous university, it is the leading edge of the next generation of hearing science.
Five Convenient Chicagoland Hearing Treatment Locations
Our friendly staff is waiting to schedule your hearing consultation today, find your closest location below.
Having Trouble Making Up Your Mind About Hearing Care?
Read ‘The Proven Process’
By Dr. Ronna Fisher
Download this informative, entertaining little booklet to help you decide. Learn about the proven process for patient satisfaction that has made Hearing Health Center the most trusted audiologists in the Midwest for over 35 years.
Voted Best Practice in Chicago and Suburbs 3 Years in a Row
Satisfaction Guaranteed
State of Illinois Outstanding Audiology Services Award